NELA Camp- 6/27-6/29 Lacrosse
The first NELA camp of the summer will take place at Avon Old Farms School in Avon, CT. AOF is a beautiful school with excellent facilities. The rooms are single bedrooms, with a few doubles. Players have an option to be an overnight camper, day camper, or half-day. We require that students are at least going into 3rd grade to stay overnight. Arrival for first day is at 7:30, students have until 8:45 to unpack and set up their room.
Typical Day:
7:15 Wake Up Call
7:45 Breakfast
8:45-10:45 First Session: Positional Skills & Stick skills
11:30- Lunch
1:00-3:00 Small group work
3:00-4:30 Swimming hole or fun activity
5:15 Dinner
6:00-8:00 Night Session: Scrimmages and Games
8:00-10:00 Hang out in common room, play ping-pong, watch movies, talk with coaches, hang with camp friends.
10:00 Lights Out